
Michael Wenderoth

97% Effective

How to Purposely Self-Promote, Without Being Obnoxious

With Lisa Bragg

Deep down you agree that speaking about your success is important – but you cringe at the thought of doing so, and can’t bring yourself to doing it. And being humble has cost you key projects, promotions, and more money that you rightly deserve. Enter Lisa Bragg, speaker and author of Bragging Rights. We discuss why self-promotion and bragging is important, how to overcome what holds you back – and practical tips so you are seen and heard. By the end of this episode, you’ll see bragging in a new light, and in your next social media post will surely add the hashtag #Braggingrights.

  • Michael puts Lisa on the spot: Not 1, but 3 introductions
  • A simple way to think about the goal of your introduction
  • Practical Tip #1: “Present, Past, Future”
  • How to make your introduction crisp, effective – and leapfrog the credibility conversation
  • Tip #2: How Lisa builds comradery, even before she meets people at an event
  • Tip #3: How to make it easy for someone to highlight you
  • Even the best bosses are not always thinking or advocating for you
  • Bragging vs self-aggrandizement
  • How the comparison put-down backfires
  • The impact of giving some people a pass, while and censoring others
  • “Fear + 10%” and how Lisa got over the dilemma of talking about herself
  • The “red thread” that runs through Lisa’s upbringing and career
  • The corrosiveness of being invisible
  • Why we should nurture an environment of bragging and self-promotion, if we want to retain good people
  • Tip #4: Keep a brag sheet
  • Counterintuitive finding from Lisa’s survey: 85% ?!
  • Survey finding: Being humble just not a Canadian thing
  • Fitting in, but also standing out
  • Tip #5: “Think of perfect as 70%”
  • Showing up as a 10 and the importance of first impressions
  • How to asses if your self-promotion work is working – and stay motivated?
  • “Nurture and mature”… but make sure you have a strategy
  • NOT TRUE: “There is no I in team and everyone shares the credit”
  • How orgs are creating cultures of talking about their successes
  • Case study: How one team went from disjointed to a cohesive force, by bragging about their individual and team achievements
  • Tip #6: from me, me, me to how do we partner, and think win-win?
  • The benefits of putting the spotlight on others

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